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[Nose]  The nose was the biggest
name n** date 2019-04-19 views 3663
I saw that your hospital’s nose surgery is very famous on the website. So come and consult.
I'm 25 years old 
I was laughed at by the male classmates when I was in junior high school. I was able to see the nose when I was taking pictures. The nose was the biggest part of the nose. I would like to ask about the nose synthesis. I was afraid that I would not dare to do surgery. I can go to Korea for about 1 month.
Please help me make an appointment to go to 11:00 am on April 26th.

Please reply, thank you.
Answer contents


Here is the Jiangnan Samsung Plastic Surgery Nasal Plastic Surgery Center:


You consulted nose surgery

General nose surgery is generally divided into nose beam shaping and nose tip shaping.

The bridge of the nose can be augmented with a shape (silicone rubber, expanded body, silitex, artificial fascia, etc.).

It is natural to perform surgery on the nose and nose when considering the angle of the nose.

When the nose is operated, the wing cartilage on both sides of the tip of the nose is tied up, and the tip of the nose is raised using the soft body of the nasal septum.

Can support the nose column. If the nose is short, the tip extension can be solved.


The specific situation also requires you to personally check with the experts, we will develop the exact surgical plan for you.

Is the content of the consultation reply helpful to you?

The hospital promises to provide the highest medical services, and trust the hospital to consult!

I will now make an appointment for you until April 26th.

Be sure to come~


Is my reply helpful?

The hospital promises to provide the highest medical services

There are other questions, please call us.

Thank you for your advice.

TEL: 82-2-3477-4700

WeChat: ksamsung1

QQ: 2240472707

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